Tanzania Birthing by todd | May 18, 2019 | Gallery Images taken during Great Migration Birthing safaris. Wild dog BCheetah and RabbitCheetah CubCheetah YawnCheetahsColobus MonkeyElephant and HillsElephant Mud bathElephant Reaches for foodElephant swimsElephants DrinkElephants SwimFighting ZebrasGiraffe at DawnGolden JackalGolden Jackal and Wildebeest CalfHippo CalfHippo EyesHippos SparHyena and wildebeest CalfKlipspringer at duskLeopard and CubLeopard bLeopard cLeopard CubLeopard Cub cLeopard CubsLeopard dLeopard eLeopard LookLeopard RelaxLeopard YawnLionLion BLion CLion Cub ReflectionLion Dad and CubLion Dad and Cub BLion Dad and Cub CLion in TreeLion RunLion StretchLions MatingMother and Baby Black RhinoNew Born WildebeestNew born ZebraNewborn GazelleServal aServal BStriped Hyena Mom and CubWild DogWild DogsWildebeest and RainbowWildebeest BabiesZebra Stampeed